Dear Emmanuel Family,
This is a unique moment we are in as a church family, as a community, and globally. The COVID-19 virus is presenting us with new challenges and new opportunities, as individuals and as a church family. Information, recommendations, and requirements from the government are being updated daily and sometimes multiple times, each day. Our desire as leaders is to help minimize any anxiety you may feel around this situation, and for you to know that all in our Emmanuel family are being cared for.
With the most recent update from Thursday, March 12th requiring anyone who has travelled outside of Canada to self-isolate for 14 days, we are recognizing the need to take further steps at Emmanuel to ensure the safety of the congregation as well as others who use our building.
Our plan is to cancel services in the building for March 15th and March 22nd. We will tentatively plan to return to gathering together on March 29th. The expectation when we gather again is that everyone who chooses to gather with us will be mindful of the most recent recommendations and requirements of the BC government. At this time, this would require those who have travelled outside of Canada to self isolate at home for 14 days upon your return. Due to this recommendation by our health authorities, the expectation would be anyone who has travelled outside of Canada would not enter the Emmanuel building until after the 14 day period of isolation with no signs or symptoms of fever, coughing, headaches, or difficulty breathing. We ask that you take into consideration, even if you mildly present with the symptoms, please refrain from attending at Emmanuel until you are completely recovered. We ask this not only for your health but for the health of all of those in our community, especially those who are most vulnerable. We also ask you to be mindful of if you have had any contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19, to monitor for the suggested 14 days for symptoms and if you are experiencing any of the listed symptoms, even mildly, please refrain from attending. We also ask that you keep yourselves up to date with the government statements to ensure we all remain as healthy as possible.
You can find up to date information from the government here:
Although we will not gather together at the church building physically, there will be alternative provisions for you to have a time of worship in your home. You are encouraged to gather with your family, and perhaps even invite a couple of people over to watch a video of Pastor Eric’s sermon, to read and discuss Scripture, to pray, and to listen to a curated playlist of worship songs. These resources will be emailed out Saturday evening.
There will also be communication coming soon regarding the scheduled Congregational Meeting and how we can communicate the information planned for that meeting and how we can act on the information.
Again, our hope in taking these steps is that we are caring well for one another and for our community. Please be looking for ways you can love well those who are most in need in this time.
We encourage you to rest in the promises of Scripture, from Colossians 3:15; “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.”
Blessings and Peace to you in Christ,
Pastor Eric Hedberg
Chair Belinda Lockhart
Vice Chair Rich Drinovz